Week 1
Saturday May 7th, 10am – 4pm
Our History, Our Voices
With Shaunga Tagore (Asian Arts Freedom School), Karen Sun (CCNCTO), students from CCNCTO’s Asian Heritage Month project
* An intro to Ripple Remix – Objectives and parameters of the project
* What do our family histories reveal about ourselves? Where do we place ourselves within Canadian history?
* Shaunga Tagore: Exploring and sharing personal histories through a creative writing workshop
* Karen Sun: Why should civic engagement and understanding government matter to us (i.e. Voting)? How does it relate to our identities?
Week 2
Saturday May 14th, 10am – 4pm
Anti-Oppression in Action
With May Lui (Maysie.ca and anti-racism consultant) and Marika Heinrichs (Popular educator)
* How does oppression exist within our daily lives and the systems/structures we live in?
* May Lui: A group exploration on our experiences of oppression and ways we can challenge it
* Marika Heinrichs: Through a set of theatre exercises, we’ll explore how we experience and perceive oppression and power
Week 3 *Two day workshop
Saturday May 28th, 10pm – 4pm
Sunday May 29th, 10am – 4pm
Finding your Voice: Effective Presentations and Public Speaking
With Sandy Wong (facilitator, trainer & mediator)
*The building blocks of what makes a great speech (and giving speeches ourselves!)
* How to draw and sustain attention from your audience?
*Reclaiming our voices – how do we make them count?
Week 4
Saturday June 4th, 10am – 4pm
Talking Back: Building your Platform
With Brad Lee (The Ties that Bind) and Sharmeen Khan (activist and community radio producer)
* What is your message and what outlet are you going to use to make yourself heard?
* Media for Change: Mainstream vs. Alternative? Traditional vs. Social?
* (Mis)Representations in the media: How do we talk back?
Week 5
Saturday June 11th, 10am – 4pm
Campaigning 101
With Toronto Environmental Alliance
* What makes an effective public awareness campaign?
* How do you effectively get attention from the public and government to support your campaign?
* Lobbying for policy and practical change – What actually works?
Week 6
Saturday June 25th, 10am – 4pm
Building Solidarity, Mobilizing Community
With Danielle Sandhu (UofT Students’ Union President), Rodney Diverlus (Ryerson Students’ Union VP Equity)
* How do you mobilize people? How do you instil passion amongst your peers about a particular issue?
* Leading by example and learning to listen: How do you lead while representing the voices of others?
* What can we do to take care of ourselves as young community activists?
Got questions? E-mail us at rippleremix@ccnctoronto.ca
Florence Li
Project Coordinator
Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter
Suite 124, 215 Spadina Ave. Toronto, ON, M5T 2C7
Tel: 416.596.0833 x 2
Fax: 416.979.3936